75,411 research outputs found

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

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    The world is too large : philosophical mobility and urban space in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Paris

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    Too often associated with the tropes of exile, wandering, or nomadism in postmodern thought, philosophical mobility has been little studied in itself, except in connection with the singular travel practices of a Voltaire, a Denis Diderot, or a Jean-Jacques Rousseau (...)

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau gramatĂłlogo

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    An analysis about Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s contribution to the theory of writing and the grammatology. This analysis contains a systematic comparison of the rousseaunian ideas about the language and the writing with another theories of the 17th (Arnauld and Lancelot), 18th (Condillac, Paillasson, Jaucourt) and 20th centuries (Saussure). The contrast of Rousseau’s ideas to Saussure’s about writing also, allows to make explicit Rousseau’s grammatological ideas’s big importance and his relation with the grammatology (Gelb,Derrida, Harris), exceeding avant la lettre modern linguistics’s phonocentrism

    Joseph de Maistre, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the question of sovereignty

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    La filosofĂ­a polĂ­tica de Joseph de Maistre se ha construido en contra de los planteamientos contractualistas de jean-jacques rousseau. Sin embargo, mĂĄs allĂĄ de sus divergencias sobre el origen de la soberanĂ­a divino para uno, popular para el otro se puedeThe political philosophy of Joseph de Maistre has been built against the contractarian approach of jean-jacques rousseau. However, beyond their differences over the origin of the sovereignty divine for one, popular for the other we can find some converge

    On Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Ideal of Natural Education

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    The aim of this contribution is to critically explore the understanding, the goals and the meaning of education in the philosophy of education by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. In his educational novel Emile: or On Education [Emile ou De l’éducation] he depicts his account of the natural education. Rousseau argues that all humans share one and the same development process which is independent of their social background. He regards education as an active process of perfection which is curiosity-driven and intrinsic to each child. Rousseau’s educational goals are autarky, happiness and freedom

    Human Nature in the Natural World

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    This paper compares the utopian perspectives and critical societal analysis of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Henry David Thoreau

    Rousseau integral, em duas versões

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    ƒuvres complètes de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Édition thématique du Tricentenaire. Dirigida por Raymond Trousson e Frédéric S. Eigeldinger. Paris: Slatkine/ Honoré Champion. 24 volumes. Jean-Jacques Rousseau. ƒuvres complètes. Édition du tricentenaire dirigida por Jacques Berchtold, François Jacob e Yannick Séité. Paris: Garnier Classiques. 20 volumes.

    Rousseau, Jean‐Jacques (1712–78)

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    The two moments when Rousseau (1712–78) became most concerned with international relations are examined in this entry: 1743–44 when he served as secretary in the French embassy in Venice and in 1756 when he wrote a summary and a judgement of the AbbĂ© de Saint‐Pierre's Project of perpetual peace. Both episodes contributed to his central thesis that international peace through law remains a utopian dream because states existed in a permanent state of war.DOI : 10.1002/9781118885154.dipl024

    PHL 469.01: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques. Dialogues

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    Non Ăš infrequente che manie, complessi e altre manifestazioni di disagio psicologico divengano fonti di creativitĂ  letteraria. Nel caso di J.-J. Rousseau, la mania di persecuzione, nella fattispecie l’idea fissa di un complotto, ordito al fine di screditarlo agli occhi del mondo, contribuĂŹ fortemente alla nascita della moderna letteratura dell’Io. Come le opere piĂč note (le Confessions e le RĂȘveries du promeneur solitaire) fra le quali si collocano cronologicamente, quasi a formare un continu..
